Ambra needs our help


On 30 April, Ambra will undergo surgery to finally get her eye fixed. We appreciate every little contribution to help cover the medical expenses. Please read all the information in the link on the right.

Fundraiser: Motorised wheelbarrow for Ippoasi

We’ve started a new and urgent fundraiser to buy a motorised wheelbarrow: the winter is long and heavy and the wheelbarrow will be an amazing support each and every day. Find all the info in the link on the right.
Thank you very much in advance to everyone who decides to help!

Nebuliser: Corallo’s & Tornado’s treatment has started

As you already know, thanks to your donation we were able to order the nebuliser. Yesterday we were finally able to initiate the treatment of Corallo and Tornado. At the moment, the two youngsters live in two separate enclosures as the climate is still too dry. The rain has been absent for a long time and with it the humidity that would benefit their respiration immensely.

After consulting with our trusted vet, we’ve started medicating the two horses for asthma via the nebuliser. This cure will last for as long as the dry period prevails. Corallo and Tornado will continue to be fed with Prealpin, the food that substitutes the hay in their diet. On top of that, they receive a delicious afternoon snack in the form of special müesli for horses as well as Mucolyt, small pellets of ground herbs enriched with essential oils such as eucalyptus and mint.

As soon as the climate changes, we will be able to switch to a more preventive treatment using essential oils and saline solution. We can’t wait to see Corallo and Tornado run free again in the big enclosure together with the rest of the herd.

All of this wouldn’t have been possible without your precious help. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all who support animal sanctuaries!

14 October 2018: Let us disequestrianise

Join us for our last fall fundraiser before Vegan Days di Pontedera!

The event will be hosted by Egon Botteghi who will present “Let us disequestrianise”: an opportunity for reflections and testimonies of horse exploitation in the equestrian sport, a deep and personal journey through the history and experience of equitation. The sport is not a joy for the horses but a form of dominion to which they are subjected to day after day.

At 3.30pm, after the presentation, Egon will take us on a guided tour and together we will observe the Ippoasian herd of horses.

This event is important not only as an opportunity to get together but to raise funds that the volunteers need to keep the project moving forward.
As usual you will be able to binge on our tasty organic, local vegan buffet as well as the infamous Seitan roasters (Tofu roasters for those intolerant to gluten)!

Schedule of the event:

  • 10 am: guided tour of the sanctuary
  • 12.30 pm: vegan buffet
  • 14.30 pm: “Let us disequestrianise” by Egon Botteghi
  • 14.30 pm: Kids entertainment
  • 15.30 pm: guided tour by Egon to observe the Ippoasian herd of horses

The Biobar will be in full swing as usual: wine, craft beer, lemonade and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Price list for the buffet (excluding Seitan/Tofu roasts and drinks; free water)

  • adults: € 15
  • children 7 to 12 years: € 10
  • children 0 to 6 years: free
  • adults aged 85 and above: free

In order to support the sanctuary and to contribute to the realisation of the event, we would like to ask you for an reasonable donation in addition to the lunch contribution. All proceeds will go towards the rescued animals living at Ippoasi.


Space is limited and booking is required. Please use the contact form below. When signing up, please give us the following information:

  • number of adults and children plus age
  • name and telephone number
  • dietary allergies and intolerances
  • preferred time for the guided tour (10 am or 3.30 pm)

Grazie mille!

8 + 13 =

16 September 2018: “Who’s afraid of the wolf?”

Who’s afraid of the wolf?

With the return of the wolf to many areas of Italy returns our irrational fear and intolerance towards these incredible animals. Ippoasi is hosting Paolo Rossi, wolf expert and photo-activist,  who will be debunking debunking beliefs and false myths, telling us about his many years of  experience in the field.

This event is important not only as an opportunity to get together but to raise funds that the volunteers need to keep the project moving forward.

Schedule of the event:

  • 10 am: guided tour of the sanctuary
  • 12.30 pm: vegan buffet
  • 14.30 pm: “Chi ha paura del lupo?” (“Who’s afraid of the wolf?”) – presentation by Paolo Rossi, wolf expert, nature photographer, photo-activist against poaching
  • 14.30 pm: Kids entertainment
  • 15.30 pm: guided tour of the sanctuary

The Biobar will be in full swing: there will be wine, craft beer, lemonade and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Price list for the buffet (excluding Seitan roasts and drinks; free water)

  • adults: € 15
  • children 7 to 12 years: € 10
  • children 0 to 6 years: free
  • adults aged 85 and above: free

In order to support the sanctuary and to contribute to the realisation of the event, we would like to ask you for an appropriate donation in addition to the lunch contribution. All proceeds will go towards the rescued animals living at Ippoasi.


Space is limited and booking is required. Please use the contact form below. When signing up, please give us the following information:

  • number of adults and children plus age
  • name and telephone number
  • dietary allergies
  • preferred time for the guided tour (10 am or 3.30 pm)

14 + 5 =