Chickens & Roosters

The Ippoasi chickens have a dedicated area, called the chicken coop, where they can freely go about their day and find shelter for the night in comfortable wooden houses. They come from the most desparate situations: intensive farms, small home poultry houses, vivisection laboratories etc. At Ippoasi they find their dignity: all of them have been given a name. The serenity inside the henhouse is guaranteed by some important factors, among which an adequate balance of the number of males and females, a large space available and many points of distribution of food.



Simona was confiscated by the local authorities from a farm that didn’t meet the legal requirements. When she arrived at Ippoasi she was still a chick but she grew very quickly and reached a weight too high for her bone structure causing problems with arthritis and foot infections. This is one of the examples of genetic selection by humans in which certain favoured characteristics are emphasised (rapid weight gain) and prioritised over physical harmony of the individual. This kind of selection creates animals whose body structures are not adapted for a comfortable life. Luckily both of them adapted to their new environment and lifestyle and can now live a free and natural life.

Simona is sponsored by Debora from Torre Canavese (TO).



Cosimo is a tiny rooster saved from classical backyard farming where he was waiting to end up in a cooking pot. He is the oldest one of the group together with Tamburrino!

Cosimo is sponsored by Paola & Antonio from Uggiate Trevano (CO).



Girasole definitely took after his father Coscialunga who was also huge. His body is the result of cruel genetic selection by the food industry. Girasole grew up in freedom and has therefore had the fortune of having his mother at his side who taught him everything a rooster needs to know to live in this world!

Girasole is sponsored by Paola from Tortona.



Melissa is the sister of Girasole. She is definitely calmer than her brother. As a baby chick she was lucky to have a very caring mother at her side who taught her babies everyday everything they need to know to survive in this world. Now that she is grown up she loves spending time with her mother and the elderly chickens.

Melissa is sponsored by Andrea from Piacenza.



Tamburrino is part of a large group of chicks that was saved from a research facility in 2009 by the organisation Vita da Cani. He escaped vivisection because there were too many chicks for the research facility (by law these facilities have the possibility to give away these animals rather than kill them which is what usually happens in most of these cases).

Tamburrino is sponsored by Essere Animali from Forlì (FC).



Lilly is a tiny chicken saved by some volunteers near Florence. Lilly’s feet were covered with parasites and she also had several intestinal parasites. After about one month of treatment and recovery she was released in the chicken coop. Unfortunately she lost some parts of her toes due to the parasites but her life quality remains very high: Lilly learned to walk around independently!

Lilly is sponsored by Carol from Florence.



Lusia is very energetic and is often found jumping on and off tree branches or pieces of wood in the chicken coop.

Lusia is sponsored by Sara from Livorno.



Dalì is sponsored by Mirco, Sara and Giulio.

The following chickens and roosters came from Liguria in 2016 where they lived on the land of a farmer. Due to old age, the farmer decided to abandon his property, leaving also the animals behind. Luckily they were saved and taken to Ippoasi. They were in very poor condition when they arrived: many had health problems, mostly caused by worms, parasites and neglect. Thanks to the many visits to the vet and the loving care of the volunteers, they finally fully recovered and found their place among the other inhabitants of the chicken coop.



Lino is sponsored by Antonio from Pisa.




Nathalie cerca un adottante a distanza. Se vuoi adottare tu Nathalie, contattaci!



Pier is sponsored by Silvia from Edinburgh.



Susanna is sponsored by Nathalie from Belgium.



A special mention goes to Vecchietta (old lady in Italian). Of the whole bunch she was probably in the worst state when she arrived. Vecchietta was extremely skinny and tiny with a long, curved beak (proof of her old age). Sadly she has lost all toes due to bacterial infections caused by the unsanitary living conditions she was found in. She was immediately brought to our veterinarian and was separated for several months from the other chickens allowing her to regain her strength. She received vitamins on a daily basis and what was left of her feet was treated with care. Since Vecchietta has been finally reunited with the others she has shown a very strong will to live and is in excellent health. She is the living proof that there is no age limit to finally finding happiness!

Vecchietta is sponsored by Paola from Livorno.



Matilde arrived at Ippoasi together with Rosaria thanks to the intervention of Vita da Cani. She is full of joy and curiosity. In the chicken coop she has found a natural environment where she can roam around freely in good company!

Matilde is sponsored by Annalisa & Francesco from Lucca.



Giunta ad Ippoasi con Matilda grazie all’intercessione dell’ Vita da Cani Onlus, che ne ha curato il salvataggio. È vispa e curiosa, ha trovato nel pollaio un ambiente idoneo alla propria esigenza e sembra spassarsela alla grande, in ottima compagnia!

Rosaria è adottata da Lucio e Alena di Bologna.



Ambra is sponsored by Raffaele from Agliana (PT).



Biancaneve is sponsored by Raffaele from Agliana (PT).

The following chickens were saved from an abandoned chicken coop where they lived in horrible conditions, starved and surrounded by concrete.



Eli is sponsored by Sara from Ravenna.



Augusto is sponsored by Lorenzo from Ethic Street Montevarchi.



Phoenix is sponsored by Sara from Padova.



Cocco is an ex layer hen who was helped to rescue by a couple of activists. She’s been living at Ippoasi since she was little and she’s definitely among the most curious ones and loves to watch the volunteers cleaning the chicken coop closely.

Cocco is sponsored by Guia & Jacopo from Pisa.



Pamela came from a private chicken coop where she was kept together with many other of her kind. She finally lives free to hop and flutter in the Ippoasian chicken coop together with many friends, until the end of her days.

Pamela is looking for a sponsor. If you would like to sponsor her, get in touch.