Sponsor an Animal

Sponsoring an animal is the most direct and concrete way to support and help the animals of the sanctuary. Through a sponsorship you can actively guarantee their maintenance, contributing directly to the cost of living of your chosen animal. For each animal we have calculated the monthly cost, which you can see on the right. Do you want to sponsor an animal? Contact us.

Sponsor an animal

14 + 2 =

Monthly maintenance

  • ducks & hens: € 10 per month
  • dogs & cats: € 30 per month
  • pigs, wild boars, goats, sheep & pony: € 50 per month (can be divided into two amounts of € 25)
  • horses, donkeys & cows: € 100 per month (can be divided into four amounts of € 25)

Alfred is a pig with serious walking problems. His health is quite unstable and he is in constant need of care. For this reason his monthly fee is € 100 divided into four amounts of € 25.

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