Goodbye dear friend

“In the instability of things, something remains”.

What remains in our hearts is your look, so intense, deep and proud. Your gaze in which you wrapped us up everyday in the last two months when we helped you get back on your feet. You couldn’t do it anymore by yourself and all we tried to do is take care of you as well as we possibly could.

Terra – marvellous and out of the ordinary – yesterday we saw you depart for your last journey. Right by your side, we said goodbye forever… 

Before Terra, your name was IT069990000440, the code on the tags on your ears. You were not considered a person, only a body that didn’t matter, raised as one of a billion and destined for a life of abuse, indifference, pain, torture, oblivion…death. 

In the instability of things, something remains, even miracles. You were freed in 2009, together with your friend Luna: you had lived all your life imprisoned in the dark in a stable. The light of the sun, the shining of the fields, the sound of the wind, the movements of your new friends around you, every beautiful thing terrified you, because you had never experienced it before. You were unprepared and you embarked on a two year long rehabilitation process.

We are writing these words nine years later. Many things have changed, many people have arrived, many have left. What always remained is you: the beating heart of a place that is not just a place, but a passionate dream.

Last year Luna crossed the rainbow bridge and yesterday it was your turn. Terra, you have appropriated your freedom, you have savoured it day after day and you have done something wonderful: you have shown tens of thousands of people who a cow, freed from suffering, really is.

We have been with you every day, with all our love and dedication. Under the summer sun, the heavy rain, tired and worn out. We did it with joy, because we love you with all our heart and we will love you forever.

We’d like to believe that you are now reunited with Luna.

Goodbye dear friend.

Nebuliser for Corallo and Tornado

We have launched a Go Fund Me campaign to raise funds for a nebuliser for our two youngsters Tornado and Corallo, both suffering from recurrent airway obstruction. Click on the right to find all the information (Google translation) and to contribute to this fundamental investment. Thank you so much for your help. Corallo e Tornado will be grateful for every donation.

18 August 2018: LiberiamoCi

On 18 August we will host the presentation of the project ZOOUT, the first documentary about zoos in Italia and the animals that are imprisoned there. Written by Francesco Cortonesi and Chiara Magpie, ZOOUT is a precious and fundamental testimony, not only of the imprisonment and apathy that reign those dark places, but also of those lucky animals who were freed and of the amazing work carried out by the Rete dei Santuari di Animali Liberi.

As usual you will be able to binge on our tasty organic, local vegan buffet afterwards. There will obviously also be the seitan roasters!

Schedule of the event:

  • 16.30pm: guided tour of the sanctuary
  • 7pm: Presentation of the project ZOOUT, curated by Francesco Cortones
  • 7pm: Kids entertainment
  • 8.30pm: buffet

The Biobar will be in full swing: there will be wine, craft beer, lemonade and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Price list for the dinner (excluding Seitan roasts and drinks; free water)

  • adults: € 15
  • children 7 to 12 years: € 10
  • children 0 to 6 years: free
  • adults aged 85 and above: free

We’re hosting this “festa” in order to raise funds for all the animals that live at Ippoasi as well as Il Refugio della Bubi. : over 100 individuals equal expenses of about 8000€ each month. We therefore ask for a reasonable donation upon your arrival that will go towards the expenses for the event as well as the project.

Ippoasi survives only thanks to you kind and reasonable donations. If you enjoy participating in our events, please support us – so we can organise many more in the future!

Booking is required.


Space is limited, book fast. When you book please mention the following:

  • number of adults and children as well as age
  • name and phone number
  • food intolerances

Grazie mille!

Sign up!

11 + 5 =

Open Air Cinema

Open Air Cinema

Movie nights at Ippoasi!

  • Saturday, 28 July: “The Plague Dogs”, (1982) by M. Rosen
  • Wednesday, 15 August: “The Shape of Water”, (2017) by G. del Toro
  • Wednesday, September 5: “La planète sauvage – Fantastic Planet”, (1973), by René Laloux

The films will be in original language with Italian subtitles. The contents are not particularly suitable for children.

The films will start around 9 pm. For any kind of donation we’ll feed you with popcorn and serve fresh juices.

If you want to be more comfortable, bring a pillow!

12 June 2018: Benefit dinner at Le Fate

Benefit dinner at Le Fate

Tuesday, 12 June, Le Fate – Cucina Veg & Stelle (Florence), will host a benefit dinner in honour of all the animals that live at Ippoasi. The event is made possible thanks to the collaboration of Dolce Vegan and the support of Probios and Le Colombaie Bio who are contributing their plant-based products to the menu of the evening.

It will be a complete menu, including water and organic wine. The dinner is 25€ of which 15€ will go towards the Ippoasi inhabitants as well as Paco, Magda, Margherita and all the animals at Rifugio della Bubi.

Space is limited and booking required at +39554633414.

See you there!


Space is limited and booking required at +39554633414.

When booking, please mention any food intolerance or allergy.

Grazie mille!