Welcome to Ippoasi

Guided Tours

To visit the sanctuary and to get to know the animals click here!

HappyCow Healthy Eating Guide

Our bank details

Banca Popolare Etica
Fattoria della Pace Ippoasi ONLUS
Via Scoglio della Meloria 55
56128 Marina di Pisa
IBAN: IT67S0501802800000011318854
C.F. 93069920507

Fundraiser: Motorised wheelbarrow for Ippoasi

Fundraiser: Motorised wheelbarrow for Ippoasi

We've started a new and urgent fundraiser to buy a motorised wheelbarrow: the winter is long and heavy and the wheelbarrow will be an amazing support each and every day. Find all the info in the link on the right. Thank you very much in advance to everyone...

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16 September 2018: “Who’s afraid of the wolf?”

Who's afraid of the wolf? With the return of the wolf to many areas of Italy returns our irrational fear and intolerance towards these incredible animals. Ippoasi is hosting Paolo Rossi, wolf expert and photo-activist,  who will be debunking debunking...

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Goodbye dear friend

"In the instability of things, something remains". What remains in our hearts is your look, so intense, deep and proud. Your gaze in which you wrapped us up everyday in the last two months when we helped you get back on your feet. You couldn’t...

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