16 June 2018: Benefit dinner in Savona

Benefit dinner in Savona

Ippoasi goes Liguria!

Saturday 16 June, ristorante Col Cavolo – Cucina 100 % vegetale in Savona will host a benefit dinner in support of the Ippoasi animals.

The evening will go as follows:

doors will open at 7pm, booking is required at the number +39194503117. Remember to mention any food intolerance when you book. The restaurant will serve a delicious full menu with water and house wine for 25 €. Of those, 5 € will go towards Ippoasi. 

The volunteers of Ippoasi will be present with their stand during the whole evening.


Booking required at: +39194503117

Mention any food intolerance when booking.

Grazie mille!

Urgent message regarding the rabbits and RHDV2

With a heavy heart we are releasing this urgent and important statement.

Over the past few days, the five rabbits living at Ippoasi have all died completely unexpected due to a new strain of the RHD (Rabbit haemorrhagic disease), the RHDV2. 

As already communicated, we found Salvia dead in the morning a few days ago after she didn’t show any sign of discomfort. We decided to get an autopsy done to understand what happened. Before we even received the results, Rosmarino had left us as well. We immediately took the remaining three to the clinic to have them hospitalised.

We were told that it was quite likely that Salvia and Rosmarino had contracted a new strain of the Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV2): a strain of the virus coming from France. Until a few months ago the vaccine wasn’t available yet in Italy. The virus has no diagnosis nor cure. The vets informed us that the virus has been going around in the recent months.

Timo and Basilico both died in the early hours of Monday. Menta sadly also left us just this morning…

We are very grateful to the vet clinic in Cascina where the rabbits were taken in on Sunday afternoon and everything possible was done. Thank you for helping us and for giving us answers.

Obviously our fear was that we had done something wrong but the vets reassured us that it wasn’t our fault. Literally a couple of hours ago we received confirmation from the lab that conducted the autopsy. RHDV2 does not infect other species, only rabbits.

RHDV2 is a new and highly contagious strain of the virus. Remember that at this point there is no cure but there is a vaccine which is available in Italy. The rabbits who lived at Ippoasi were all sterilised and vaccinated for RHDV1. We are hoping to inform as many people as possible with this communique. If we had known of the existence of this strain, we would have done anything to avoid this tragedy.

Contact your veterinarians and get your rabbits vaccinated. Do not underestimate this risk.

We are all destroyed. It was all too fast. Unfortunately we had not been informed by anyone of this epidemic. With days, the virus took all five rabbits. Just Sunday we enlarged their house…

Goodbye dear friends, our hearts are broken.

The volunteers of Ippoasi

In honour of their lives, we would like you to enjoy this wonderful video of Rosmarino, Menta, Salvia, Basilico and Timo feasting on delicious vegetables.

2 June 2018: Serata Animalesca

Coming 2 June: don’t miss out on the return of the famous Ippoasi pizza and arrosticini!

On this occasion we’ll fire up our wood oven and delight you with our famous vegan pizza topped with plant-based cheeses kindly offered by Pangea Food  as well as the beloved Seitan arrosticini.

We will also celebrate the return of our friend Marco Verdone, homeopathic vet, who will present the book “Salvati con nome. Carcere e rieducazione nonviolenta: il modello dell’Isola di Gorgona”. We’re happy to also host the co-author Francesco Presti, agronomist.

Schedule of the event:

  • 4pm: guided tour of the sanctuary
  • 6.30pm: Presentation of the book “Salvati con nome”, curated by Marco Verdone and Francesco Presti
  • 6.30pm: Kids entertainment
  • 8pm: Pizza and arrosticini

On the menu: mixed antipasto, pizza margherita and 4 non-formaggio, stuffed farinfrittate, chocolate sponge cake. As usual the Biobar will be in full swing: there will be wine, craft beer, lemonade and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

Price list for the dinner (excluding Seitan roasts and drinks; free water)

  • adults: € 15
  • children 7 to 12 years: € 10
  • children 0 to 6 years: free
  • adults aged 85 and above: free

We’re hosting this “serata” in order to raise funds for all the animals that live at Ippoasi as well as Il Refugio della Bubi. : over 100 individuals equal expenses of about 7000€ each month. We therefore ask for a reasonable donation upon your arrival that will go towards the expenses for the event as well as the project.

Ippoasi survives only thanks to you kind and reasonalbe donations. If you enjoy participating in our events, please support us – so we can organise many more in the future!


Space is limited, book fast. When you book please mention the following:

  • number of adults and children as well as age
  • name and phone number
  • food intolerances

Grazie mille!


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Help us enlarge the hen-house

Ippoasi is facing another major maintenance expense and we need your support! We need to enlarge the chicken coop, home to 34 hens and roosters as well as 11 ducks. In order to improve their well-being, we want to give them as much space as possible!

In addition to that, it is time to reinforce the fence of the large enclosure. Over the years it has been worn out. To make that happen we need to purchase 60 wooden poles, 100 meters of fence, 200 meters of wire, 20 tie rods and other material. We can not do it alone – we need your help!

Every little helps and is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance to everyone who decides to make a contribution! 🙂

Click on the right to donate via Go Fund Me or click HERE to see how else you can contribute.

12 May 2018: Swap Party

Today’s consumer society relies on us to buy more and more. It is fuelled by money. Here at Ippoasi we would like to start a series of events to spread the practice of sharing, recycling and reusing so we can counter the effects of consumerism and profit.

How? Exchanging, reusing, sharing, giving. So fill a bag with clothes and accessories that haven’t seen the outside of you closet in a long time and come down to Ippoasi.

Program of the afternoon:

  • 4.00 pm: guided tour of the animal sanctuary
  • starting at 6.30 pm: swap party!
    Free exchange market, no money: bring what you don’t not need anymore and take what you need! The clothes and accessories must be in good condition, NO leather or wool.

We’ll have the biobar ready for you plus homemade sweets, juices, herbal teas and infusions.

To take part in the guided tour of the Refuge, it is mandatory to book.


Booking is mandatory  to tape part in the guided tour. We kindly ask you to leave a donation as we do not receive any financial support from the state or any entities and rely on private donations. 🙂

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