Today’s consumer society relies on us to buy more and more. It is fuelled by money. Here at Ippoasi we would like to start a series of events to spread the practice of sharing, recycling and reusing so we can counter the effects of consumerism and profit.

How? Exchanging, reusing, sharing, giving. So fill a bag with clothes and accessories that haven’t seen the outside of you closet in a long time and come down to Ippoasi.

Program of the afternoon:

  • 4.00 pm: guided tour of the animal sanctuary
  • starting at 6.30 pm: swap party!
    Free exchange market, no money: bring what you don’t not need anymore and take what you need! The clothes and accessories must be in good condition, NO leather or wool.

We’ll have the biobar ready for you plus homemade sweets, juices, herbal teas and infusions.

To take part in the guided tour of the Refuge, it is mandatory to book.


Booking is mandatory  to tape part in the guided tour. We kindly ask you to leave a donation as we do not receive any financial support from the state or any entities and rely on private donations. 🙂

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