Welcome to Ippoasi

Guided Tours

To visit the sanctuary and to get to know the animals click here!

HappyCow Healthy Eating Guide

Our bank details

Banca Popolare Etica
Fattoria della Pace Ippoasi ONLUS
Via Scoglio della Meloria 55
56128 Marina di Pisa
IBAN: IT67S0501802800000011318854
C.F. 93069920507

16 September 2018: “Who’s afraid of the wolf?”

16 September 2018: “Who’s afraid of the wolf?”

Who's afraid of the wolf? With the return of the wolf to many areas of Italy returns our irrational fear and intolerance towards these incredible animals. Ippoasi is hosting Paolo Rossi, wolf expert and photo-activist,  who will be debunking debunking...

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Help us enlarge the hen-house

Ippoasi is facing another major maintenance expense and we need your support! We need to enlarge the chicken coop, home to 34 hens and roosters as well as 11 ducks. In order to improve their well-being, we want to give them as much space as...

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12 May 2018: Swap Party

Today's consumer society relies on us to buy more and more. It is fuelled by money. Here at Ippoasi we would like to start a series of events to spread the practice of sharing, recycling and reusing so we can counter the effects of consumerism and profit....

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Welcome to the new website of Ippoasi

Dear friends and supporters of Ippoasi, We would like to welcome you to the new website of Ippoasi. We have been working on it for quite a while and are happy to finally present you with the result. Please know that it is not complete (especially the...

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